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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 327

TR Action 327

Publication Date: Mon 1st February 2021

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

As this is the first TR Action publication in 2021, please let me wish one and all members and friends of the Derbyshire Dales, and to everyone and anyone associated with the classic car movement, a damn fine New Year that makes up, as far as it can, for all the trials and tribulations of 2020. Furthermore we hope that eventually we will all have a Covid (of whichever variant)-free life with trouble-free runs in endless sunshine in good TR Register company. I wish…I wish.

Of equal importance is to wish David Sygrove congratulations for his Clubman’s Award at November’s AGM. David is standing down as Group Treasurer this year after six years in the rôle and having so far given sixteen years of active membership. The award is well-deserved, although very much unexpected – David was somewhat puzzled by the outpourings of congratulations following the award, not having heard officially, but nonetheless the award was very much appreciated.

Time for a correction, the result of lazy reportage on my part. I described AlanH’s current TR restoration project as a TR4 being upgraded to TR4A. Of course, Alan ‘s car is a USA spec solid-axle TR4A which, in the process of his restoration, is being upgraded to a home-market spec TR4A with IRS. Another correction comes from several members who have made the point that not all Derbyshire Dales members are softies who lay their cars up for the winter, but that they are roughty-toughties who drive their cars in all weathers. One thing we all agree on, however, is that all our TRs come off the road when the salt goes on. Given which, we are experiencing so much rain hereabouts that the salt is soon washed away and doesn’t sit for long.

So, as I write this, a few days after the winter solstice and just three days before Christmas Day, with a proper white Christmas in prospect for the Peak District, all that remains is to wish you all once again, a very happy, propitious, healthy and prosperous New Year, a better year than last (not difficult), and not too long a wait for your turn for your COVID vaccination.


Most people will have seen the spectacular explosive crash-landing of the SpaceX Starship SN8 in early December. Apparently this was described by Elon Musk, the owner, as a ‘Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly’. In a similar vein, perhaps we can thus describe parts dropping off our cars, or major gearbox failures, or similar, as ‘Rapid Unscheduled Component Disengagements’, or breakdowns as ‘Unscheduled Failure to Make Progress’.

Forthcoming Events:

As before, these pieces are written some weeks ahead of magazine publication, and despite months of practice, we are still no better at guessing events beyond tomorrow. There is a vain hope that by February we will have some sort of clearer picture and will be able to plan for events post-Easter. So, as the possibility that the threat of COVIDXX retreats and the possibility of being able to schedule TR activities emerges, we will try to keep you up-to-date via emails and postings on our webpages.

However, one suggestion which has come forward is that, once we are all able to socialise again, the Group should organise a week/weekend away in our cars. If anyone is interested in either going or in organising such an event, please drop an email to Dave Burgess, Dave Worne, or any member of the Steering Group.

Derbyshire Dales Group

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