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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 326

TR Action 326

Publication Date: Mon 7th December 2020

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

From the perspective of deep autumn, when this was written, it seems that we have pretty much seen the last of suitable TR driving weather, and many of our Group are battening down the hatches and preparing their cars for the winter lay-up. Weather wise, early October saw Storm Alex bring the wettest day on record across the country – apparently enough water fell across the UK to fill Loch Ness, while late October/early November brought Storm Aiden and the remnants of Hurricane Zeta with their share of wind and rain. If this sounds gloomy, each storm left a short period of dry, nay sunny and mild, weather – ideal TR driving conditions for those of us with cars up and ready to go. But these periods were brief – and by 5th November, frosty nights brought the gritters out. Everybody to their own, but for this member of the Derbyshire Dales Group, this was the irredeemable signal for the car to go into winter hibernation. Sun, rain, wind, are all grist to the mill and the car can weather them. Salt is just something else.

Meanwhile, our WhatsApp group is going well, with about a quarter of our membership becoming subscribers. For those who have yet to join, the postings are a healthy mix of project progress reports, technical queries, humour and social chat. Joining is simple: download the WhatsApp app, send AlanJ an email ( asking to join, and you are on your way. You can choose to just view the content or join in and contribute as you wish. Unlike other forms of social media, the content and contact details are totally private between the specific WhatsApp group members, so no fears there.

So, all that remains is to wish one and all a ‘Very Merry Christmas’ and a very different ‘Happy New Year’, and will somebody please remind Santa that I have room for another TR in my garage; especially if I promise to throw away all the rubbish and clutter that’s in there.

Meanwhile keep safe, keep well, and keep your TRs away from the salt.

Forthcoming Events:

As needs must, these pieces are written some weeks ahead of magazine publication, and under current COVID-19 strictures it is either a very rash or very wise sage (and wisdom seems in short ration at times) who tries to predict the state of the TR scene weeks ahead.

As such, there are no planned forthcoming events to speak of. Work is underway to prepare for the reinstatement of a Calendar of Events for 2021, so, as the threat of COVID-19 retreats and the possibility of scheduling any activities emerges, we will try to keep you up-to-date via emails and postings on our webpages.

Derbyshire Dales Group

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