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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 324

TR Action 324

Publication Date: Mon 14th September 2020

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford writes:

Once again at the time of writing, Covid-19 restrictions continue to be eased, so more of the Derbyshire Dales members are getting out-and-about in their cars individually and enjoying the late-onset fine weather. Club meetings were still off the agenda, and in any case many of us were still maintaining social distancing, so even ‘unofficial’ – i.e. informal – meetings of friends and colleagues were very much limited. This was still very much a Covid-19 dominated world, with the possibility of another peak in prospect, so only time will tell when we can all get together. This was very much a shame as, at long last Derbyshire was ‘inflicted’ – according to one weather forecaster – with the sunny days, hot nights and blistering temperatures that the south has been ‘suffering’ for a while. Just about on cue AlanH has received his V5 from the DVLA that he has been waiting for, for so long. At long last he can drive his immaculate TR4A, now a good stable-mate to his TR3A. Yet another TR rescued from oblivion and given a new lease of life; thinking about it, as both cars are now better than new, each should survive another 55/60 years, giving them the prospect of seeing in 2075 before needing another refurbishment. In the very same manner, JohnB is now running his immaculate Austin Healey 3000, another special classic which has been brought back from a breaker’s yard, for another 50 or 60 years of useful life.

In terms of ongoing projects, DaveB has had his planning application for a ten-car garage turned down. If might be something to do with it being on a listed property; then again, maybe the planners thought that one new car museum further down the Amber Valley was enough. JohnB has imported an ex-USA TR250, in need of a full resto; AlanW has brought yet another TR6 from the ‘States – I wonder what he has in mind once he finishes the EFI TR6 he is working on – nothing mundane, for sure. SteveB’s fascinating saga of upgrading an award-winning TR250 to an immaculate soon-to-be-award-winning TR250 has been put on hold. He started by helping out a friend with an ominous noise from the cylinder head of a friend’s E-Type. This has resulted in a full engine re-build, as well as sub-frame, engine mountings and bell-housings. All very expensive, and with half an E-Type now occupying his garage, the TR250 is having to wait. I don’t think SteveB is overly impressed by this E-Type; salutary lessons to keep with TRs.

No photographs this month – however, AlanJ’s gallery on the Derbyshire Dales webpages is always worth keeping an eye on – we’ll see if we can’t get some photographs of these project cars included.

Forthcoming Events:

As such, there are no forthcoming events to speak of. So, until further notice, or of any specific mention, all of Derbyshire Dales Group’s planned events for 2020 have been removed from our calendar.

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times