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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 320

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 320

TR Action 320

Publication Date: Mon 16th Mar 2020

Derbyshire Dales Group Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford reports:

Like most members of most other TR Groups, through the winter our cars have been tucked up in their garages while we have been beavering away at various improvements and repairs. At least four of our members are nearing the end of major rebuild projects, so the summer of 2020 should see some of these magnificent enterprises out on the open road, whilst at the same time we have at least two major projects just started. Hopefully we will get some photos listed on the Derbyshire Dales’ Webpage ‘Our Projects’ section of all these.

Unsurprisingly, we have had very little (i.e. none) TR motoring activity during January & February, but early Jan saw our club night at the Amber Hotel being very well attended and almost at the room’s capacity, including a few of our newer members who are continuing to come – many thanks to them. Early Feb saw one of our big events of the year, our Post-Christmas Bash, taking place at the Peak Edge Hotel, near Chesterfield. As always this event was well attended by visitors from around the country and abroad, including our regulars Bjarne and Tove Refnes from Norway, and never forgetting our illustrious Editor Wayne Scott who also took a hand with compering. Overnight and Sunday, storm Ciara made its presence felt so some of the furthest travelled probably had uncomfortable journeys home. We hope that they all made it safely.

It follows that the February’s Wednesday Club Night at the Amber was fairly thinly attended; maybe our members were recovering from the weekend’s Bash, or the cold weather and flurries of snow through the day put people off.

By the time you read this we will be well into the new year’s programme with our AGM just passed and the TR Register 50th Anniversary Photoshoot at Beaumanor Hall just about to take place. Also preparations are well under way for the East Midlands Region celebration of this 50th TRR Anniversary taking place at the Manifold Inn, Hulme End near Hartington, Derbyshire. Members and their cars from the Derbyshire Dales, Leicester, Lincolnshire, Nene and Trent groups will all be there, with many participants sleeping under canvas. For further info, as always, see our Webpages for more details and a list of other upcoming events.

Forthcoming Events:

Sunday 15th March: Photo Shoot in conjunction with the Leicester, Lincolnshire, Nene and Trent Groups. Beaumanor Hall. See Leicester Group Webpages for more details.

Sunday 29th March: Pre-season Lunch at Alison House, organised by Dave Worne.

Wednesday 8th April: Club Night at the Amber Hotel starting at 7:30pm.

Sunday 26th April: Drive-It-Day Sunday Run organised by David Sygrove

Fri 12th to Sun 14th June: Derbyshire Dales Weekend – TRs at the Palace – Palace Hotel, Buxton organised by Dave Worne.

Saturday 22nd August: TR Register 50th Anniversary Celebrations and pig roast at the Manifold Inn, Hulme End, in conjunction with the Leicester, Lincolnshire Nene Valley & Trent Groups.

Derbyshire Dales Group

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