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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 300

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 300

TR Action 300

Publication Date: 18th September 2017

Derbyshire Dales Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford says:

Hello again, from a hot–then-wet-then-hot-then-wet Derbyshire.

First off, congratulations to TR Action for achieving its 300th publication. It continues to get even better!

Meanwhile what an off/on summer! Once again the beneficiaries of this weather are the heather moors of Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Yorkshire. Beautiful purple heather for as far as the eye can see, when it stops raining. Shame that when you read this, some 5 weeks hence, the best show may well be over. But what fantastic TR driving country. And what an action-packed summer for the Derbyshire Dales Group!

First off and most importantly, however, we would like to welcome two new members and another two who have just re-joined.

First off, welcome once again to Jamie and Angela Adams. Jamie is currently working on a ground-floor-up restoration of a red TR5. This has been off the road for 20 years, and has been in their ownership for six of those. All being well, by the time you read this Jamie and Angela should be roaming the roads of Derbyshire in their '5' – provided that rain doesn't threaten!

Next we have Thomas Boyd, well known to many TR Register members as one of the principal faces of T.R.Enterprises and who is now co-owner of T.R.E. along with Simon Watson. Thomas has been with T.R.E since starting there as an 18-year old apprentice, only leaving for a brief period of 18 months to extend his experience in a modern bodyshop. Hence, as well as co-running the business, Thomas is able to claim to be fully immersed and skilled in all aspects of Triumph saloons and sports cars, along with most other marques of sports and competition road cars.

Welcome back again, also, to Andrew Blatherwick who was a TRer back in 1982 when he had a white TR5 for 12 years, followed by a long spate of E Types, a 3a, a 4, and two Morgans. His last classic was a 1952 concours winning Bristol 401, which he sold in 2016 to fund the purchase of what transpired to be the first TR5 off the production line, chassis CP1, in Valencia blue. This car has been part of a collector's collection for some 40 years, so some considerable care has been taken with its re-commissioning, as well befits such a rare beast.

And finally, welcome to Christopher Thirtle, for whom, when we get more details, we will show these on the Derbyshire Dales Webpages.

In terms of action, Derbyshire Dales made a good representation on the Brittany Tour, with four cars from the Derbyshire area out of a total of 19 cars. The tour was excellent – I'm sure in the fullness of time an article will appear in TR Action. Mind you, four cars of the 19 returned with varying degrees of dents – and two of those cars were ours! (More photographs are in our Gallery)

Again a good representation of Derbyshire Dales members attended the Malvern International – not least to cheer on Alan Hawley's second prize for his powder blue TR3a in the Concours Masters Class. Equally valued was the award to Alan's TR3a of being 'the TR which Ken Richardson would most have liked to drive home'!

Another event of note was Dave Burgess' participation in the pre-race procession at Silverstone prior to the July Formula 1 Grand Prix, where he chauffeured Kimi Räikkönen (The Ice Man) around the circuit. Apparently Dave's driving thawed him out, somewhat.

Our first major run of July was a trip to visit the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire. This was a joint trip with the Stag Owners Group; with Steve and Julie Buxton ably coordinating the Stag end, being Stag owners and members of the S.O.G. as well as being Derbyshire Dales members. We had a total of 62 attendees split into three groups for the tour through the hangar to view the Spitfires, Hurricane, Dakota and Lancaster, amongst others. Lunch for most was taken at the Ebrington Arms, Kirkby on Bain, who coped admirably with the mass influx of 40 covers. (More photographs in our Gallery)

Our first run out following this was Jim Tulley's run into Dragon Country. No, not Wales, but the roads around the 'Dragon's Back' area – that is, Chrome Hill and Parkhouse Hill, a pair of switchback hills formed from 250 million year old coral reefs. 13 cars and 23 people made the run, finishing for lunch at Ye Olde Butcher's Arms, Reapsmoor. Mind you, the route there was somewhat problematical in that they met several closed roads and diversions owing to the local 'YNot' festival, and yet another road blocked by a local farmer's trailer load of wood as he tried, unsuccessfully, to maneuver then unload it. It was a case of all hands to the fore to help clear the road of the farmer's timber, and then on to the lunch stop. The day finished when the landlord of the Butcher's Arms held an impromptu 'show and shine' contest for the cars in his carpark – the winner being Ryan Walker in his TR3a.

Finally, please keep looking up the Derbyshire Dales webpages; Alan Jones is continually updating and improving these, as well as adding photos and commentaries regarding our happenings. Mugshots are beginning to appear, too!

Forthcoming Events

October 8th- the Last Run of the Season organized by Mike de Rozario

October 11th - Quiz night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton – unless you are from the Leicester Group, where it will be held at the Bull's Head, Ashford in the Water….not.

November 8th – Pie and pea club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton

December 13th - Club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton

December 17th – Pre-Christmas Lunch

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times