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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 299

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 299

TR Action 299

Publication Date 17th July 2017

Derbyshire Dales Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford says:

Hello again, from a hot and sweltering Derbyshire.

Time for another Social Scene update; so much has been happening within the Derbyshire Dales Group and yet so little space in which to report it. First off, one contingent travelled to the German National Meeting in Braunlage. All returned home safely, although one car came back courtesy of a flatbed transporter. This was Alan Wikinson's most recent iteration of a BMW diesel-powered TR6. For anyone brave enough to ask, Alan can explain the difference between a pump designed to run on petrol and one designed to run on diesel, and the consequences of a disintegrating petrol pump to the healthy running of a BMW diesel and the consequent interrupted progress of his trip. This problem did cause much head-scratching amongst the German BMW Auto Technicians and the ADAC roadside breakdown service, however. All-in-all we gather a merry and convivial time was had by all, other than Will Loomes from Stoke who was taken ill in Holland and who had to report to a hospital. Another contingent from the Derbyshire Dales travelled to the Gordon Bennett Irish Classic. Once again the Irish roads took a toll this time on Ian Walker's TR3a with a sheared rear suspension trunnion; but Irish ingenuity and welding skills restored this to a better-than-new fix.

The remainder of the Derbyshire Dales group who remained behind in Blighty has had three events since our last report - a midweek run to the Avro Vulcan museum at Woodford went well, and in glorious sunshine for a change considering the prevailing weather at the time. Alan Jones, who organised the midweek trip, picked his time well as the next day our region experienced heavy rains. As usual we took the obligatory photograph of our cars stationed underneath the Vulcan's wings - well, not quite underneath as the proprietors of the museum were concerned as to the fire risk of nine old cars parked underneath their precious charge, so we were asked us to pull forward a little.

Avro Museum, Woodford. Steve Buxton at the controls

Our next run was dubbed The Mystery Run - only a mystery in that Liz and I weren't aware that we were organising it until a couple of weeks previously, so didn't know where we were going or what the theme might be. As always, we had a good turnout and in fine weather - just - with runs through the limestone dales of the White Peak and a coffee stop at Carriages near Newhaven, which is a railway-themed restaurant located in two ex-Pullman rail carriages. There followed another run through the Dales, followed by lunch at the Bentley Brook pub and hotel, the latter being organised by Dave Worne and Gwen Walvin.

Southern Peaks run

One of our major group events of the year was the Derbyshire Dales Weekend, attended by some 43 attendees in 16 TRs, an E-Type, a Midget, a Merc SL and a Citroen fugbox (as Val S. was still recovering from her op and not quite sprightly enough to leap out of their TR – yet). Dave Burgess arrived in a newly acquired TR4a, as featured on the front page of Triumph World.Yet again this weekend was organised by Dave and Gwen, assisted by Dave Sygrove and Ian Walker, and the weekend finished on the Sunday at the Peak Shopping Village, where six TRs were placed on display in pride of place with the remaining 30-odd cars grouped together in the car park. True to form, heavy rain showers caught any of our party who spent too long lingering in the cafés and bars.

Saturday night dinner at Alison House

The June club night went with more of a swing than usual. 14 cars and 25 members of the Derbyshire Dales met at The Amber Hotel, but then went on to the Blue Bell pub in North Wingfield where they transferred next door to St Lawrence's Church where in the first floor level of the bell tower they were instructed in the art of bell swinging, and given the opportunity to practise – (poor village residents) before climbing a spiral staircase to the eight-bell loft, then to a third level, up an even tighter spiral staircase to the tower ramparts. We think that all were lithe enough to escape the tower – but we must make a mental note to conduct a roll-call at our next meeting!

The Belfry Tour

Forthcoming Events

July 30th – Club Run organised by Jim Tully, details T.B.A.

Aug 9th – Club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton

Sept 8th to 10th – Euromeet Weekend, Dijon, France

Sept 13th – Club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times