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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 288

Derbyshire Dales Social Scene Contribution

Alan Ford says:

Somehow I missed out on the Season's Greetings with the last publication's Social Scene, so a belated 'Happy New Year' to you all and, to paraphrase an old Irish blessing, may the best of your road TRips lay before you, and the worst of your miles be behind!

The back end of the old year saw our last Group meeting fairly well attended - it is good to see some of the new faces becoming regular attendees. Our pre-Christmas dinner at the Fox & Goose brought in 39 members and partners, with Peter Jenkinson winning the £25 voucher generously donated by Lynn at the F&G.

Our first Group meeting of '16 in January at the Amber Hotel saw 25 members present, with none of us having any problems getting there – so far, snow seems to be a distant memory in our part of the world. A contingent within the Group were ensconced in a corner busily plotting their route to the Italian International Meeting later this year, making any others of us within earshot jealous at the prospect of wall-to-wall sunshine.

We are able to welcome another pair of new 'wheels' to the Group – Gary Flinn & Ann with their new-to-them 'F' reg Valencia blue TR5. Gary has long been an aficionado of Triumphs having previously had, amongst others, a Stag, a 2000, and a Vitesse, but this is his first TR.

Various TR projects are planned for the winter lay-up. Steve B is somewhere underneath his TR250, getting it ready to sell – he needs the room for the rest of his collection of TRs and Stag. Dave W is cogitating over the need to remove the tub of his TR6 to get access to some chassis repairs. Alan W is rumoured to be looking to replace the old BMW diesel motor in his TR6 with a newer 3.2 litre smoker. He reckons the new lump will be even more economical than the old one, provided he can keep the diesel in his tank from spilling onto the tarmac! Dave B seems to be busy knocking seven bells out of the bodywork of his '5' whilst the rust-worms do something similar to his TR6. We're all busy, one way or another!

Lastly, a vote of thanks to Maurice Davey for his contributions to the Social Scene for the past four years or so. He has decided to relinquish the role of scribe and somehow this has now dropped into my lap. But thanks anyway, Maurice!

Forthcoming events in 2016:

February 20th – Club Night at the Amber Hotel, and the Derbyshire Dales A.G.M. Any gripes, please air them. Better still, get involved!

March 9th – Club Night at the Amber Hotel, entertainment by Jim Tulley

March 20th – Pre-season lunch – details to be confirmed

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times