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Cornwall Group - Virtual Drive it Day 2020

Cornwall Group - Virtual Drive it Day 2020

Dear Cornwall TR Register member

I hope you and your families and friends are all keeping well during this extended “lock-down” period?

In line with the recommendation of the FBHVC the TR Register has advised that we do not take our cars out on the road for National Drive It Day as it is deemed a non-essential journey.

I am therefore proposing that all members, if they can, send me a photo of themselves and their TR in current “lock-down” mode. Whether the car is an on-going project or on the road makes no difference I want to see your TR!

Julian will then publish on the TR Register Cornwall website Gallery all of the photos together in time for Drive It Day on 26th April 2020. Please send your photo via my email

Keep Safe


Cornwall TR Register Group Leader

Cornwall Group

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