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Group Leader Report July 2019

Group Leader Report July 2019

Our thoughts are with Dennis and Jenny Jones. Dennis suffered a heart problem on their return from a TR holiday in Scotland. He is recovering but Jenny is ensuring that he takes things easy so they won't be attending events until she is sure he is ready! Everybody sends their best wishes.

We have been extremely lucky with the weather for our July outings even though the forecast suggested otherwise! The monthly meeting was arranged to take place at The Golden Lion, Northallerton to meet the suggestion that we should spread the meetings around the Cleveland catchment area. We were fortunate to welcome Dave Worne (the North East area director) and Gwen to our meeting. One topic which Dave informed us of will need further communication between all North East clubs. It is intended that the club will sponsor a big event in all regions to reflect that the TR Register will have been established for 50 years in 2020. Several ideas have already been suggested for the North East event but negotiations are needed to capture all groups thoughts on the best venue. Jim Johnstone is in touch with Harewood Hillclimb directors as one possible site. More to come when known.

Jonathan Keenan is making arrangements to gain a number of tickets for a visit to the Aston Martin garage at Beamish next year. This will be on a first come basis so please watch this space!

The Newby Hall Classic Car Show lived up to its mark with an amazing selection of cars on show. The TR stand was well supported with over 50 TR's on show. Ian Wetherill's TR6 was picked as the best on show by our friends in the Jaguar display alongside us. Well done Ian.

The planned Dales run was postponed until the 28th July as the programmed date conflicted with a lot of family commitments. 9 cars supported the event including a member of the Triumph 2000 club. It was good to see that we are encouraging other car enthusiasts to join us. Trevor Teeley had organized an exceptional route across the Dales to the village of Dent where we stopped for an afternoon meal. The feedback I have received all supports my thanks to Trevor and Kath for an amazing route and to Judy for supplying the lemon drizzle cakes. Thank you all for your support.

The August monthly meeting will be held at the MDMC at Coulby Manor in Middlesbrough on Tuesday 6th August. The formal part of the meeting will start at 8.30pm and all are welcome.

Other events planned for August included the Croft Nostalgia weekend on the 3rd - 4th which I understand is fully booked although I don't know how many TR's are going! The International Weekend at Stratford on Avon on the 16th – 18th and a further TR run which was scheduled to be held on the 25th but it is realised that this is the Bank Holiday weekend so a change of date may be necessary (it could be the 18th). A decision will be made at the monthly meeting.

It looks as though our return to Ripon Museums will take place in September before our tickets expire!

While at Newby Hall I was introduced to the local Stag Owner's Club Group Leader. We have all been invited to join them for a run out on Sunday 11th August. I have circulated this to email members but if you are interested then please give me a call on 07768350462 so that I can give you details of who to call.

Please check the website or Facebook page for up to date details of events.

That's all I have for now but please feel free to contact me or any other committee member if you have any ideas that we can include in next year's programme? Happy TR'ing.

Cleveland Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times