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Social Scene Report 310

Social Scene Report 310

Hi Fellow Followers. Well that's another year gone for our TR travels and now we move into service and repair time. We should be more prepared this year with five of us now possessing our own car lifts. Our Pub meets are getting ever more popular with increased attendance.

Since last writing a small group visited the Lincs Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby, courtesy of Peter Parkinson, where they also enjoyed seeing the Lancaster performing a taxi run with all four Merlins screaming away.

The 14th September saw us depart on our annual Weekend of the Year trip, which was kindly very professionally organised again by Tracy Core with the help of Phil. A great time was had by all, with eleven cars making the journey from a meet at St Ives to a lunch stop at Kersey Mill. We then journeyed on to Stoneham Barns for some "retail therapy" for the ladies before arriving at the Cedars Hotel at Stowmarket, which was to be our home for the next few days, for dinner.

On Saturday we had a guided walking tour of Ipswich, after which we journeyed on to Landguard Fort at Felixstowe for another very interesting guided tour of this old war time building.

Sunday was a free day when many of us visited the lovely towns of Woodbridge, Southwold and Aldeburgh.

We departed for home on Monday morning and incorporated a visit ( and sampling) at St Georges English Whiskey Company in Norfolk. This was followed by a tasty fish and chip lunch.

Tracy and Phil put a lot of work into planning this trip for which we thank them .They even created a quiz after dinner each night on varied themes such as Airlines, Chocolate bars, Road signs, In the News, The National Driving Test, and The Cost of Things. The cars all performed well with no breakdowns except for one running out of petrol! As this is the last print of the year, may I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a trouble free TR New Year.

Dave Burton

Camb Followers Group

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