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Newsletter (Round Robin) July 2022

TS2 a diary of two days events

The time is fast approaching for our Group to host TS2 on her Round Britain Tour.

Wednesday 3rd of August sees us at The Manger for six members to drive her.

These will be Rob 10-11,Bob 11-12,David 12-1 (lunch 1-2)Peter 2-3 Vince 3-4 and Geoff 4-5.Could all drivers be ready about ten minutes before your off in order to complete the paperwork.You may have your own route planned but I have two that may be of interest,one is mainly B roads with a bit of A road,the other is mainly A road with a bit of B ,both take approximately one hour observing all speed restrictions and driving at a steady pace.The Manger will have toilet facilities available from the start and will be open for trade from 12-00,why not come along to seevthe car,have a chat and lunch?

Thursday 4th of August sees us start at Felixstowe when we will travel to Carlton Rode in Norfolk for a visit to a private car collection belonging to the Davis brothers.


Have a look on your computer for “Strada Cars Saxmundham “then choose “The Strada Survivor Influx Adrian Flux”.This car used some triumph parts but its main claim to our fame is that the stylist was Harris Mann,having seen the car in the flesh you can see a very strong lineage to the TR7.

We will be meeting there, Kingsacre,Fen Road,Carlton Rode Norfolk NR16 1RT three word ref is cheer.solve.gymnasium at 12.00 with an estimated departure time of 3.00 .

The brothers have a small wide ranging collection of vehicles and can provide a light lunch.They make no charge for any of this but if you wish to come I think its only fair to make a donation.As spaces are limited to 20 and catering is involved can you please let me know by Monday 25th of July either by e-mail or phone,01787282176.

Finally we will then be handing over TS2 to Wensum Group in the evening at The Manger.This will be at 7.00pm so if you wish to see the car or have a chat/meal then come on over.

Regards Stewart

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times