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Newsletter (Round Robin) March 2022 Edition 2

Hello there

Just five things to mention.

1) Is there anyone out there who would like to represent Abbott and Stour at the AGM of the Register? Its on Sunday 3rd of April at The British Motor Museum, Gaydon CV350BJ with registration at 10.30 and the meeting from 11.00 am. In the past we have got there early to be able to have a look round the museum. Lunch is included and you will just need to report the salient points back to the Group. If so please register your intention to attend at

2) Culford show, 10th July, has now been booked but there is still time to fill spaces for the others that we are attending - please contact Peter Hudspith at

3) I now have full details of TS2 and our dates for having the car are 3rd and 4th August we have one space left to Drive the car on the 3rd at The Manger and 6 spaces on the 4th when we will be near Ipswich.

4) Sunday June 5th is our delayed TR Register 50th Anniversary at The Manger Bradfield Combust IP30 0LW, in order to help with the catering and parking arrangements can you let me know over the next few weeks if you are interested?

5) The Group still needs a Leader, it’s not onerous and if required, I will help the new incumbent ease in to the position. Let me know if interested.

Right that’s it back to the garage.

See 2022 Year Planner


Stewart Hurrell


Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times