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Newsletter (Round Robin) October 2021 #2 - AGM & Autumn Leaves Run

Hello there everyone - this is definitely a two part message.

The first is to advise you all of the AGM which will be held at The Manger, Bradfield Combust IP30 0LW on Tuesday 9th of November at 8.00 pm. The agenda will be:

1. Approval of minutes of the last AGM (08/01/2019), yes it really was that long ago.

2. Confirmation of the assets of the Group

3. Election of officers, the existing Quiz and April showers Run organiser/Autumn leaves organiser / Shows organiser / technical Guru / Treasurers / are all willing to continue - the Group leader position is open as I will be stepping down. If you wish to apply for any of these posts please let me know with a proposer and seconder by Monday 25th of October.

The second part is that Rob is organising his Autumn Leaves run on Sunday 31st of October, the starting point will be The Stag café which is just off the A14 near Haughley and will include lunch at a suitable hostelry. If you are interested please let me know by Sunday 17th in order that the restaurant can be advised. Full details of start time and mileage will be known by then.

Please contact me on 01787282176 (message service is available if I’m in the garage)

or e mail

Stewart Hurrell, Group Leader Abbott and Stour

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times