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Abbott & Stour Report - TR Action 333 - November 2021

Hello again, the sun is up the soft top is down.......and there is no petrol!! There was a slim chance of some yesterday at the one local filling station that had some (the other two were empty) but joining a long queue on the ring road where the entrance is on a roundabout did not seem like a good idea. One pump was disabled as an irate motorist had physically damaged a filler pipe in frustration.

So, whats in the future. By the time you read this we will have had our picnic in the park, that’s Nowton park near Bury st Edmunds, and our October club night will have been a quiz with a difference. The difference being that it is not being set by our normal quizmaster so it will give us a chance to see if Bob is as good at answers as he is at setting them!!

Our November meeting will be the AGM. For information the incumbents of the posts of Quiz Master/April Showers Run, Show’s Organiser, IT Expert, Autumn Leaves Run, Treasurers have all stated that they are happy to continue-however as I have said in the Round Robin to our members if they would like to consider taking one of these posts let me know. The one post that will need filling is Group Leader, as my initial time was supposed to have been two years and that was how long ago?? I have enjoyed it but it is now time for someone new and with fresh ideas to take the helm, I will give them all the help that I can to settle them in.

December is creeping up fast so do not forget to contact me for details of the Christmas meal at The Manger on December 19th at 12.00 midday.

OK so it’s back to the shed to see if the bicycle works.


Stewart Hurrell GL Abbott and Stour


Abbott and Stour Group

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