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​Newsletter (Round Robin) June 2021 #2

It was really good to see so many on Tuesday evening, more people than I think I have ever seen at a Club night. Included were members from Wensum and Camb Followers, with a first “Hello” to new A&S member Iain Grant.

There was a lot of catching up to do which shows that it is the people who make the Register.
Cars on view included a 3 a number of 4’s, including one which had been imported to America through the (in)famous Genser and Forman - see TRAction 329 page 26, hopefully the tax has been paid on the car! As well as a brace of 5’s and a clutch of 6’s.

See photos of June 2021 Club Night at Our Gallery

Next meet will be on Tuesday 13th July at The Manger starting at 7.30 when we will have our Best of Car Show from 8.00 so start polishing. Trophies are for Best Triumph, Best non Triumph and the Publican’s choice.

See Event details at Best-of-Show

2018 Concours Night

The only other piece of information is that, if no one objects, I plan to have the AGM in November when the nights are longer and we may be able to meet indoors.

Enjoy the sunshine in your TR


Stewart Hurrell GL Abbott and Stour, 01787-282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times