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TR Action 324 - August 2020

Hi there hope you are all well and still keeping busy. As I write this it is the wrong side of 32 degrees so out of the garage and the garden. Talking of the garden do you remember that last year we went to eco friendly covers for the magazine made from something that included potato starch which was bio degradable. Well, my covers have been put on the compost heap and then dug into the garden which is now yielding a crop of potatoes. Has the Register found perpetual motion?

We had our first attempt at a meeting of a few members in July when we gathered at Nowton park. Now, with 200 acres in the park we were able to socially distance and with coffee and sandwiches were able to have a chat and see each other again. Mind you as most of us had not a haircut in three months it was like a throwback to the 70’s with the correct cars, we just needed flared jeans and tie/dye t-shirts. Unfortunately after weeks of good weather it then decided to rain so hoods up we headed home. The best bit was having a friend’s newly restored 150 bhp 6 alongside my 125 what a glorious sound and sight.

As my brother in law is to undertake a full service on my car I have been gathering in the parts that are needed, one of which was a fuel filter. As the one in the boot was clearly marked Bearmach RTC6079 I went on the internet to check on a supplier. Imagine my surprise to find that this filter is for 2 and 2.5 litre Diesel Land Rovers, a quick phone call to a Triumph specialist confirmed that, yes, it is correct and that they supply them as well. So, could this be a feature in the magazine for alternative parts? Talking of parts, a very good friend of mine, having sold his TR had some spares which included O rings for an injector and a plastic widget that goes between a flange and a thingy -“just pop them in the glove box you never know when you might need them”. Now here’s a question, have you ever had a pair of gloves in a glove box? Apart from visions of Katherine Hepburn in elbow length silk gloves I cannot think of ever having thought of putting gloves there, apart from that you cannot get anything more in my glove box, its full of essential spares.

In a few days time we will be having a daytime club meeting at The Manger, as with a large car park and plenty of space to distance ourselves outside, we can meet and chat in safety. Let’s see how that goes and maybe we can have a run out in the future. So keep on the lookout for Round Robins and keep safe.

regards Stewart.

Future Events
Your guess is as good as mine.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787-282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

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