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Newsletter (Round Robin) November 2019

Hello there everyone, hope you are still getting a few miles on the TR, my last venture started in bright sunshine and ended up in a downpour that Noah would have been proud of!

Have just returned from the TR Register AGM which was held yesterday at The Aviator Hotel, Sywell, nr Northampton, which is well worth a visit for its Art Deco building, a museum and the history illustrated with numerous photos and artifacts.
Not a great deal to report from the AGM, the Directors were re elected en masse and we are still solvent! The recent delay in the receipt of TR Action is being addressed so we should be getting our reading material on time now.

Some dates for your diary did come out of the meeting, the first is the 50th Anniversary meeting at Hopcroft Holt Hotel Oxfordshire on 12th of January - the invitation was in the last TR Action. The second is an event on Sunday 15th of March at Beaumanor Hall, near Leicester, just of junction 22 of the M1. This is an all day event when an aerial photograph is to be taken of TR's spelling out 50. As well as TR's all derivatives are to be included so if you have Peerless, Warwick, Dorretti, Grinall etc you will be welcome. Full details will appear in a future edition of TR action so another reason to read this from cover to cover.

Talking of dates we will be looking at the events calendar for 2020 soon to be seen on our area of the website. This will contain the old favourites such as Helmingham but if you have any local shows/fetes that you would like fellow members to attend do let me know.

There are still a couple of places available for the Christmas (yes I've said it and its not even December) Dinner on December 13th at The Manger so if you are interested contact me soon.

Finally, our own AGM will be on January Club Night all of the current team are still happy to continue in their positions but the post of Group Leader is open as I feel that we could do with some fresh ideas.

Well, as Bugs Bunny says "That's all folks"

Stewart Hurrell or 01787282176.

Abbott and Stour Group

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