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TR Action 318 - December 2019

It does not seen that long ago since my last session at the keyboard but long enough to put some more miles on the car in between the showers. Speaking of which, thankfully it remained mostly dry for Rob's Autumn Leaves Run which saw sixteen of us meet at The Stag (apologies to Jim but I did say that sat nav was useless in that area as it does not seem able to tell its left from its right on the A14). We then wound our way to The Waveney House Hotel in Beccles which is on the river. We shall have to return there in the summer as the patio was up to the river and the thought of sitting there watching the boats go by was certainly appealing. The drive took us through Suffolk countryside that I had never seen before on a good combination of roads that were surprisingly pothole free. Beccles is a town that I had passed on a number of occasions but never been to, I will certainly go back as from our brief drive through it looked very interesting in its architecture. Lunch was a leisurely three hour affair with its own entertainment in the form of member John Reid, you had to be there to appreciate it. After lunch it was time for the obligatory look under everyone's bonnet, this time to see how many combinations of windscreen washer arrangements are fitted. The only slight detour of the day was on the way home when we were following a couple in front who had not told us they were going to Morrisons! A great day out and thanks to Rob and Rosie for organising this and to all members who participated.

One other topic appears to be members who have or are changing cars, if you are doing so please do not forget to update your details at The Office.

Upcoming Events:
Club Nights -as usual on 2nd Tuesday of the month
Christmas meal - hope you are not superstitious as its Friday 13th of December 7.30 for 8.00 at The Manger. If you have not booked yet but wish to attend then please ring me as soon as possible.
AGM - will be January Club Night on the 14th.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times