Click here for the Inter-club International Weekend Tickets

Newsletter (Round Robin) July 2019

A Bit of Everything

First, club night on the 9th of July will be the Boules night (hopefully as after two weeks of non stop blue sky it is now raining!!)

The second event is a classic car and motorcycle show at Woolverstone which is in the Ipswich area. This is on Thursday 18th of July (so ok for us retired folk!) from midday to 6.00pm and takes place on The Church Field. There is no cost but donations are requested to cover costs with the remainder going to village funds. Photos can be taken in front of the Hall and Ipswich high school would be pleased to have copies to commemorate the day. Tea, coffee, cake, barbecue, ice creams and a beer tent are on offer and you can walk to the river and marina to burn off the calories. If you would like to take part you can contact J Young at phone 01473780156 or just turn up.

International, for those going to the International I have details of entry and rules for the concours/pride of ownership and survivors classes, also volunteers are needed to assist with duties such as marshalling cars in the arena etc over the weekend, so if interested please let me know.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787 282176,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times