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TR Action 314 - June 2019

Hopefully you will all be putting miles on your TR with the advent of Spring, unfortunately it is hailing outside as I write this! My own miles were restricted last month as, when checking the radiator, the cap fell apart into its component pieces. The new one in my parts stock would not fit even though it was supposed to be for a 6 but the nice man at the TR Shop soon had one in the post-thanks for the quick despatch. Talking of spares we were on holiday in Sheringham recently and came across a car spares shop called Fast Lane. Always keen on exploring I found that the gentleman serving knew what a Triumph TR6 was, used a parts book (remember those) and knew where the stock shelf was in his shop. Unfortunately the specific part was not there (that pesky rad cap again) but he was happy to order it for next day delivery. As this was the last day we were there we could not take him up on his kind offer, but in the words of our MP's "I commend him to the house"

Talking of holidays two of our Group were on holiday in South Africa and besides the lions, elephants etc. came across Sedgefield classic cars which is a must see if you are on The Garden Route.Unfortunately it was closed but an eclectic selection of cars including a 1959 Borgward Isabella-but no TR's. That got me thinking, so putting in TR's for sale in South Africa I came across a 3 at £23k,a 6 at £16k and a 7 at £3.2k. All look very good due to the climate and they are right hand drive-wonder how much a container would cost!
Putting this in perspective the auction season has started and I see the Anglia Car Auctions April sale saw a TR2 longdoor make £22472, a lhd 6 at £14628 and another lhd car described as a TR250/5 (why do this it's either one or the other) at £19080, all I prices include buyers premium. Does this mean that the silly prices are becoming a little more realistic?

Club night in April saw a Scalextric race night, this really brings out the competitive spirit with cries of "unfair he's got the inside lane", but well done to John for overall win. His prize of a wooden kit to make a sports car should be finished soon.
Bob's April Showers run did not quite break the trades description act as we did have a few spots going to and from our destination.This was to The Cutter Inn which is near the river at Ely. I say near the river as you can nearly reach out and touch the boats as they float past. A very scenic route followed by great food, good company and a nice stroll afterwards to spend time in a huge antiques centre. Thanks Bob for a great day out, especially as the venue had to be changed at short notice as the roads to the original were being dug up.Drive it day followed two weekends later and the plan was to meet at The Stag café for breakfast followed by a trip up to Bressingham. Unfortunately arriving at the café we found that the chef was incapacitated due to an accident (fortunately she is recovering) so after admiring the Stags of the local SOC who had already had breakfast we departed and managed breakfast at Bressingham meeting up with over 40 other TR's from local groups in a separate car park. This was next to the railway line which did not bode well for the white car parked next to the trains, that is until I got back to my dark blue car and found that the smuts come in light grey as well!. Thanks to Dave Solomon for organising that. Then it was into the garden centre, the gardens themselves (the aptly named "Soggy Bottom" dell) and the museum. Not only steam railway engines but engines that powered most of the local factories. There is also a Dads Army museum holding a large collection of items used in the series, and a toy museum. This included Mamod steam models-remember those? In todays world who would allow their children to have a box of matches, a tin of paraffin and a potentially lethal pressure boiler? It was all over too soon but we shall be back.

Well back to the garage to get the car ready for the WSMC run on the 12th of May.

Coming events
Club nights as normal every second Tuesday of the month at The Manger, come along and meet up, as it is coming to summer we shall be spending more time outside.
The next big show is Helmingham on August 14th, we hope to join with other local groups and are aiming for 40 plus cars on the stand-so if you fancy a great show, entertainment, gardens and ice cream contact either myself or Peter Hudspith 01440-707847.
If you are not off to the International then Stonham Classic Car Show is on the 18th of August.

Stewart Hurrell

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times