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Newsletter (Round Robin) March 2019

Short and Sweet message this time

With weather like this hope you have been able to get your TR out, last Sunday was the first decent drive of the year when I went to the Holbeck car Trial at Hadleigh. Great fun and warm weather, if you have never been to such an event the next local one is at Wattisfield on 17th of March. For full details check out the West Suffolk Motorsport Club web page.Talking of that club, entries are now being accepted for the South Suffolk Classic run on 12th May if you fancy a day of great driving in the company of a range of classics book now on that page.

Spotted this week was a very nice looking TR6 with colour coded soft top emerging onto the Sudbury - Long Melford road, if it is yours do come to the club night which as ever is at The Manger Bradfield Combust IP30 0LW Tuesday 12th march at 8.00 pm start.

Stewart Hurrell, 01787-282176 / 07758-086981,

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times