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TRAction 312 - March 2019

As it is currently snowing and there is salt on the road the TR is snug in its garage. The only recent problem has been a temperature gauge that was not working.
Friend and font of TR knowledge David suggested taking the connector off the sender unit, earthing it and seeing if the gauge moved. (How do you do this, well you earth the connector and ask the good lady wife to break off from the cooking and sit in the car to watch the gauge-must hoover car to get rid of the flour). Yes the gauge did so a new sender unit was put in as well as a new thermostat just to cover all eventualities. Just spare a thought for anyone with a TR in Chicago with minus 20 degrees, the radiator must be 100% antifreeze and the driver 100% Jack Daniels!

So whats been happening. Well we have had the AGM and the previous cast of members will remain as Quiz Master,Treasurers,Shows Organiser,and Runs organisers.A new post of IT "all thing technological" has been created and is ably filled by Vince. After my two year stint as GL I have stepped down so we will be running as a committee, if anyone fancies taking on the post please let me know -full training will be given.

Jan 18th saw the Not the Xmas Xmas dinner at The Manger, good food and company as usual. Unfortunately two of our number were not able to attend, their pre paid meals were not wasted (no names mentioned).
During the festive season Lynsey managed a dip in the River Thet, well done, this was placed on social media in order that the rest of us could marvel at her tenacity whilst sipping coffee next to a roaring fire.

The photograph is of the required clothing for TR6 owners this year, being the 50th Anniversary of the model. Apologies for the not quite 6 pack on the model, it is just after Christmas.

Please take a look at the Diary on the Abbott and Stour part of the Register website as most of the shows and runs are on there now and I will be updating this as more news comes in regarding entry forms etc. Looking forward entries are now being taken for Euston Park 9th June, you will need to be quick as they were nearing their 400 car capacity last year and lets make Helmingham special on August 4th as we are joining with other Eastern Groups and are looking for 40 cars in total.

And finally: Suffolk Police had a purge recently, amongst the motorists stopped was the person travelling at 116 mph as he passed the police motorcyclist (should have gone to spec savers) and the person who was missing a tyre on one of his front wheels!

Upcoming Events
April 18th April showers Run please contact Bob on
April 28th Drive it Day - this will end at Bressingham Steam museum and Garden Centre after lunch where we shall meet up with other Groups. Goodness knows where we will start as I have yet to plan a route, but please contact me so that I have a rough idea of numbers for lunch etc.
May12th West Suffolk Classic Run see their web site, book this one as it is a really good day out, well organised and a brilliant drive.

Best wishes for the rest of the year and safe motoring.

Stewart Hurrell

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times