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TRAction 308 - September 2018

Vic in Classic Car Mart

Another good period since the last report for A&S with member Vic Russo's 1956 TR3 being compared to a 1990 Morgan 4/4 in the august issue of Classic car Mart. At first glance this seems an odd choice given the 36 year age gap but makes sense as you read it. The outcome is surprising, or is it?

12/June/2018 - Concours

Tuesday 12th of June was our annual concours event, with trophies for Best TR, best non TR and the Publicans choice. The latter decided by a member of staff from The Manger. Fortunately we can use the overflow car park, which can accommodate at least thirty cars,to keep us separate. Compared to a lot of groups we are very fortunate in this respect and the fact that it is so easy to get to. Best TR was a tie between Bob Bell's TR4 and Dick Moore's TR6, with Paul Murrell winning the non TR category in his much modified Minor pick up. Not only a great looking car but useful too, as Paul says you can get six bales of straw in it to take across the fields to his sheep!! Final prize for Publicans choice went to Peter Hudspith's Peerless (the young man from the pub obviously recognised style). I did begin to worry, as before Paul arrived every car entered was red.

24/June/2018 - Breakfast at Kersey Mill

24th of June saw us meeting at Kersey Mill for breakfast. Some of us started from The Stag at Haughley and followed a cross country route provided by David. This included lanes where the grass from the high banks was nearly meeting in the middle. Great fun taking in roads that looked as if they were rarely used. After breakfast we enjoyed the sunshine in the car park for a chat and the impromptu repair of my heater control!

10/July/2018 - Boules and Beer

The July 10th Club Night was a Boules and Beer (or Pentaque and Prosecco) night with Bob and Lynsey winning the doubles games and then Lynsey beating Bob to become overall champion - sorry there were no prizes. This may become an annual event if we are allowed to play it after Brexit!

29/June/2018 - International at Lincoln

I am sure that everyone has there own thoughts on The International at Lincoln but here are a few. First, having driven two miles from home the answer to the question "where is my mobile phone" is "its behind you" (not even panto season yet). Yes, I had left it on the hood stowage cover - and it was still there. Meeting up with David and Irene (TR5) and Peter and Maureen (Peerless) we had a great drive up there stopping, by accident at a vintage tea room for lunch. Friday evening was a Chinese take away for 20 plus people and making a lot of new friends as well as seeing old acquaintances again. On Saturday we met up with Celia (Peerless) and Rosie and Rob (TR6) with Vince and Debbie coming up for the day. Vince now seems to have kicked the addiction of buying every TR4 wing made but has moved on to engine parts. This has become so bad that he had to borrow a barrow to take them to his car.
Entrepreneur of the show must go to the gent selling issues of No1 of the Classic Dinky Toys Collection (that's the one with the TR2 model on the front) at £10.00 each. Star of the show must be Bob Tullius, what a gentleman and what a speaker. It only seemed as if he had been speaking for five minutes when he stopped. So, lots of bits purchased and great company over the weekend with the bonus of great drives up there and back.

Final laugh was getting back home and then trying on my international T shirt, only for my wife to comment "that looks a bit tight and I think the neck is a sweatheart". "Love you to darling" was my quick reply - "no silly its called a sweatheart neck because its a womans t shirt".

A&S Regalia

That brings us nicely to the fact that you can now purchase A&S regalia thanks to Vince's hard work. These are Polo shirts £21.00, sweatshirts £22.00 and caps £10.00 all collectable at club nights or shows - postage will be extra if required. They are in a light blue somewhere near Wedgewood or Powder blue if you have your TR colour chart handy, have the A&S logo embroidered on them and your name. Sizes are per the pdf attached to the last Round Robin message and on Social Scene in the A&S part of The Register web site. To order please contact Vince at


Well, sun is shining and I'm of to play. This month has seen another 1400 miles put on the TR sampling the roads of Camb Followers, where they have signs showing cars falling into the Fen dykes and roads that can best be described as undulating. You must be the best customers for exhaust systems and suspension components in the Register. Then on to Lincoln Group with smooth roads and sweeping bends, finally Wharfedale with three great drives enjoyed over two days, Buttertubs Pass, Leyburn to Reeth and then Ribblehead viaduct - Malham Tarn-Flaxby.

Future Events

Sunday 2nd September - Cars by the Lake Fornham
Sunday 15th September - Henham Steam Rally (tickets from their web site)
Sunday 7th October - run out to Forncett Industrial Steam Museum, they will be having a model engineers day with "steam up". Check your Round Robin for starting point and time or e-mail me.
Club nights continue on 2nd Tuesday of each month at The Manger with, hopefully a varied calendar of events.

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times