Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

TRAction 307 - July 2018

10/June/2018 - Euston Best in Show

Well, in the last edition we started with a Gold medal winner and now continue the Group's upward trend with the winner of Best Classic in Show at Euston Rural Pastimes Event on Sunday 10th of June. Step forward Mr Peter and Mrs Maureen Hudspith with the Peerless, not bad from a field (literally) of over 300 classics.
This is a family orientated event, which if you have not been, warrants an entry in your diary for next year, everything from children's rides to woodturning, a flypast from the Battle of Britain Hurricane and an aerobatic display. Eight register members were there and in our area we were able to display a 4, the Peerless and a clutch of 6's.

6/May/2018 - 48th Ipswich-Felixstowe Run

The last few weeks have been busy, as we are now firmly in "show and go " mode. Sunday 6th of May saw the 48th Ipswich-Felixstowe run where 500 classics meet in Christchurch Park from 8.30am and then leave at about 11.30 for a 10 mile drive to Felixstowe where they are parked on the promenade. So its two shows and a drive with ice cream and fish and chips at the end.

13/May/2018 - South Suffolk Classic Run

This was followed on the 13th with The South Suffolk Classic Run. This is very well organised by the Eastern Counties Motor Club and The West Suffolk Motor Club who are fortunate in having sponsorship from a local garage (think MG, TVR and Noble). Twenty eight cars ranging from a 1926 Vauxhall 30/98 to a 2012 Morgan three wheeler took part including myself, David and Irene in the 5, Peter and Maureen in the Peerless and Mark Marshall in his very nice TR2. Starting from St George's Distillery (for those North of the Border we are fully prepared for Independence!!!) we travelled along some of the best roads in Suffolk and Norfolk before stopping at the Forncett Industrial Steam Museum. Here the owner Dr Francis gave us an hilarious tour of the museum, some of his stories regarding his exploits make TR owners seem positively sane. This is such a good venue that we will be having a Group run out there on Sunday 7th of October. It has to be that late to tie in with all the other events we are going to. The bonus is that it will be a steam day and a model engineers day, plus you will be able to sample the delights of the café and Mrs Francis's cake. From there we travelled to The Museum of East Anglian Life in Stowmarket, a total days run of about 70 miles.

20/May/2018 - Breakfast at Thetford Garden Centre

May 20th was another breakfast meet at Thetford Garden centre where not only was there good food and company but you had the chance to stock up on plants. We must have a competition one day to see how much of a garden you can get in a TR. Keep checking the Round Robin e-mails to see where the next one is, as we try and make them local for some members but far enough away for others who would like a drive out on a Sunday.

27/May/2018 - Elveden

Elveden show was next on 27th of May, this is set in a walled garden of a large country estate,with a capacity of about 200 cars and you are parked up as you arrive, making for some interesting neighbours. On arrival I was told by a marshal to follow that car, well even Rolls Royce's get lost but the drive around the estate was interesting. Eventually Peter (Peerless) Bob (TR4a) and I (TR6) arrived and met up with Ivor in his Land Rover (I don't know either as he has a perfectly good TR2 in the garage). Unfortunately at the end of the day one of the exhibitors could not start his Healey 3000. It seems that although he had taken the key out the ignition it still felt it had to be "live" and drained the battery. Seeing a Riley Elf trying to jump start the Healey was a bit of a "sublimeto the ridiculous "moment. The continuous current had also managed to bring the coil up to cooking temperature and even the application of freezer packs from our cooler bags and large amounts of ice from the beer tent, wrapped in chamois leathers failed to assist. (As we are now in the 21st century is this the technological advance from the bag of frozen peas so beloved of TR6 owners of yesteryear? The points of this story are - fit a battery isolator and use it, also check your recovery policy as this gent had one that only recovered you for free within a 20 mile radius of your home - guess how far we were from his house! Thanks to all the other register members who assisted.

3/June/2018 - Barningham

We then started June with David Solomon's informal meet at the Royal George, Barningham with surrounding local groups, great to see Vic Russo and Dick Moore there from A&S. With a total of 31 TR's from 2 to 6's (where are you TR7 and 8 owners I know you are rare but don't be shy) the car park must have been worth approaching three quarters of a million pounds - well done David.


And finally,GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). As far as Abbott and Stour group are concerned we have decided NOT to register for this as, at present, we do not hold information in the required format to necessitate this. We can always register for this in the future if we change. This makes no difference to the way that we communicate with our members and you can always contact me by phone, e-mail or letter (7 Weavers Drive,Hunts Hill, Glemsford, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 7SL), even better come to a Club Nights. So you can all retire to your garages safe in the knowledge that what happens in the garage stays in the garage!

And finally, finally-only saw a bit of the latest Royal Wedding- but an electric e type-why?

In the Future

All of the shows that we are attending are on the diary page A&S portion of The Register website, if you have not yet entered please contact either myself or Peter Hudspith at
Breakfast meets will be monthly in various locations and will be advised by Round Robin - if you are not getting these please let me know, but one that is planned will be on 19th of August, venue to be advised.
Forncett museum as mentioned above, 7th of October, details of meeting place / route will be sent out to all A&S members nearer the time, any other Group's members interested please let me know.

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times