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2018 is now here

Hope you have had a good Christmas and are looking forward to a happy and healthy New Year with plenty of TR driving.The last time I took my 6 out was on Boxing day when it was dry and crisp with so little traffic on the road it felt like driving in 1973!
So,first date for the diaries is Club Night on Tuesday 9th of January at The Manger IP30 0LW starting at 8.00pm.This will be AGM to discuss the diary for this year.So let me know what you would like to see happening.For example,would you like more runs,more outside meetings,possibly at sporting events and more visits to places of interest in Suffolk-not neccesarily car orientated.Also,what would you like to happen at the monthly meetings.
New Years resolutions include using my TR more, meeting more owners in the Group, and not cooking any more Sunday "full English" so how about travelling around the group meeting up for breakfast on a regular basis? The first one could be fairly central at Haughley Truck Stop just off the A14 ,say Sunday 28th of January at 10.00am.If you are interested please let me know so that I can warn the owners.If its pouring down with rain TR use is not mandatory!
regards Stewart

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times