Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

19th May 2017

Record Breaking Triumph TR2 returns to Jabbeke

Record Breaking Triumph TR2 returns to Jabbeke

Day 1 : Friday May 19th 2017

1700 to 21h30 : TR Register members and MVC 575 are made welcome at Hotel IBIS , De Haan.

Reception and evening Dinner.

Day 2 : Saturday May 20th 2017

07h30 to 09h00 : Breakfast at IBIS Hotel.

09h00 to 10h00 : TR Register members and their cars set off to Leisure centre, following country roads and a stretch of motorway!(vrijetijdscentrum, signposted from motorway exit Jabbeke)

10h00 to 10h30 : MVC 575 and Fellow cars are been lined up for Static display on the terrace of the leisure centre.

11h00 to 12h00 : Reception offered by the community council of Jabbeke.The Mayor and members of city council meet up with guests.

12h00 to 14h00 : Lunch at the Leisure centre.

14h00 to 18h00 : Time for Interviews , Pictures , Local and international press.

18h00 to ------ : Return to IBIS Hotel for Dinner and review of the day .

Day 3 : Sunday May 21th , 2017

08h00 to 09h30 : Breakfast at Hotel IBIS.

09h30 to 14h00 : Start of Jabbeke country tour, passing true small villages and pittoresc scenery , with display of our cars to the public at various locations.

14h00 to ----- : Everybody is free to wander off for some more touring, or visit the nearby medieval town of Bruges.

Day 4 : Monday May 22th , 2017

07h30 to 08h30 : Breakfast at Hotel IBIS.

08h30 to 09h30 : Packing and getting car and driver ready to return Home.

*NB - Attendees are encourage to book accomodation with the hotel for the specified dates above themselves:

*Use contacts below for booking meals and reception:

For more details and to book contact Peter Bowden:
Luc Mahieu
For more information on the Jabbeke landspeed record breaking Triumph TR2: